Substance identity Vinasses

The Vinasses Consortium has registered 5 types of Vinasses in 2010, as described in the Substance Identity Profile.

The substances registered are: 

Major group Minor group Substance name EC number
A Biomass removed A1 Vinasses, residue of fermentation 932-215-9
A2 Vinasses, residue of fermentation, salt-enriched 932-176-8
B Biomass not removed B1 Vinasses, residue of fermentation containing biomass of bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) 932-161-6
B2 Vinasses, residue of fermentation containing biomass of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), salt-enriched 932-165-8
B3 Vinasses, residue of fermentation containing biomass of Corynebacterium glutamicum 932-179-4


If you are intending to register a substance that does not fall within these description, please consult our FAQ.