ECHA draft decision on test proposal
On 7 December 2022 ECHA notified registrants of the substance ethanol (EC 200-578-6) at >100 tpa of a draft decision on a test proposal. The decision follows ECHA's examination of a test proposal included in the update of the jointly submitted dossier, accepted by ECHA after manual verification on 27 June 2022. Registrants of the substance can access the draft decision and notification letter via the mailbox on their REACH-IT accounts.
The Executive Committee of the Ethanol REACH Association together with its technical advisors are currently reviewing the request and intends to provide feedback to ECHA prior to the indicated deadline of 30 January 2023.
There is no action required from registrants at this point, registrants can update their submission or submit a new registration in the meantime.
For any specific questions on this topic please contact the secretariat of the Association.