10 September 2020

Classification proposal for Ethanol

This means that the Greek Competent Authority intends to submit a proposal for the reclassification of ethanol as follows:
Flam. Liq. 2, H225                           (current harmonized classification)
Eye Irrit. 2, H319                              (classification under CLP indicated by data in REACH dossier)
Repr. 2, H361d                                 (suspected of damaging the unborn child)
Lact., H362                                         (may cause harm to breast-fed children)
STOT SE 3, H336                              (may cause drowsiness or dizziness)
STOT RE 2, H373                               (may cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure)
The key element of this proposal is the classification of ethanol as Reprotoxic Category 2.
The current interest in the classification of ethanol arose via the Biocidal Products Regulation (BPR), but then developed into a possible harmonised CMR classification proposal to the ECHA Risk Assessment Committee (RAC). This has been progressed by the Greek competent authorities over the last three years.  
The Association has monitored closely the progress of the ongoing work by the Greek authorities, and kept the Task Force updated.  The Association is developing extensive argumentation to oppose this classification, and working to co-ordinate a strong and consistent response in due course.